Before You Begin
Thank you for purchasing ACD/Percepta. We have endeavored to produce the easiest to use, most comprehensive program for the prediction of key ADME and Toxicity related molecular properties.
About This Guide
This guide provides a comprehensive description of all of the options available in ACD/Percepta, it is designed for online use.
The screen shots shown throughout this reference manual have been taken with a relatively small window size.
The colors and other properties of the window elements described throughout this guide correspond with the default Windows Display Properties.
This reference guide is provided in electronic form, readable with Adobe software. If you cannot locate an index topic you need, please do a text string search for the relevant word or phrase, or related words.
Mouse Conventions
You may perform several actions during your work with this software; the following specific words are used to describe them:
- Point to means move the mouse pointer
to an item.
- Click means point to an item, and press the left mouse button.
- Right-click means point to an item, and press the right mouse button.
- Double-click means point to an item, and quickly press the left mouse button twice.
- Drag means point to an item, press and hold down the left mouse button while you move the item.
- Select means highlight or make an interface element active either by clicking it or dragging over it (other actions are possible if specified in documentation). If used in "select the check box", it means that the check box should be marked with a tick (as opposed to "clear the check box" when the check box should be cleared, without a mark).
For More Information...
To see the latest in ACD/Labs software and services, please visit our Web site at:
Our Web site is being accessed at the rate of tens of thousands of “hits” per day. There’s a reason for this: much is offered through our Web site. We offer free ChemSketch, an ACD/LogP Freeware Add-on for ChemSketch, a free ISIS 3D Add-in, free ChemDraw extensions, and a free 2-week demo key for “Interactive Laboratory” sessions where you can run test calculations using Java applets without purchasing software. There are TechSmith Camtasia-based movies which show the operation of many of our software packages (especially ChemSketch) available for download.
We are constantly updating the information on our Web site. The Web site will tell you at which scientific conferences you can visit the ACD/Labs booth. You can browse the Frequently Asked Questions page or drop in and “chat” on our newsgroup, which can also be reached via our web page.
If you would like to stay informed of the latest developments in chemical software at ACD/Labs, please be sure to sign up for newsletters at our Web site page:
How to Contact Us
We are accessible through our Web site, phone, fax, and regular mail, but by far the most popular way to contact us is via electronic mail. Questions on pricing, sales, availability, and general issues should be directed to:
Technical and scientific support issues should be addressed by visiting:
Please tell us the name of the software purchaser; the product name, version number, build number, and license ID of the product you are contacting us about (from the Help menu, choose About to find this information); as well as a description of the problem you are having. If applicable, please tell us the name of the distributor from whom you purchased the software.